Batch Specifications


Batch specifications describe the technical, physical and/or chemical properties of a batch. You

use this component to store the batch specifications as characteristics in the class system. You

can store all descriptive data as characteristics, for example, batch status or active ingredient


Batches of car paint are specified by color value, viscosity and expiration date. You

store the characteristics color value, viscosity and expiration date for these

properties in the classification system and assign the respective values to each

individual batch.

You can use the classification system to assign the material specifications to the material of a

batch. These material specifications are assigned to the same class as the batches of the

materials. Thus you can store the target values of a batch with the respective tolerance range.

These target values are, for instance, used in quality inspection or during the goods receipt

transaction, if it is necessary to immediately classify a batch. The values are also employed for

the usability check.


To use batch specifications, you must install the classification system.

Desired Function Required Component

Usage decision for batches Quality Management

Search for batches using specifications Batch determination


There are two kinds of characteristics: predefined Standard Characteristics

and user-defined characteristics

Batch specifications can be entered in different departments

during goods receipt, for example, expiration date can be entered

in the usage decision in quality inspection, for example, you can enter the values that

were established

You can check whether the batch is within the tolerance range.

You store the material specifications and therefore the target values in the material, and

you store the batch specifications in the batch. The characteristic values in the material

master record can be interval values. When the batch is produced, the specifications are

checked in the laboratory and concrete values for each batch are determined. If these

values lie within the specified range, the batch is acceptable.

The characteristic values for the batch can be either interval values or fixed values.

Material characteristics are inherited automatically by the batch of the material.

Material and batch belong to the same class. This then ensures that you use the same

characteristics for both the material and the batch.

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