Classification with Standard Characteristics


You can use the following standard characteristics for classification:


Description and Use


Valuation type (only for class type 022 = batch level at plant level).

You can use this characteristic as a criterion for batch

determination, if your batches are assigned characteristic values



Deletion flag

If you no longer use a batch, you should flag it for deletion in the

batch master record. Use batch reorganization runs regularly to

delete all batches flagged for deletion. A reorganization run deletes

all batches flagged for deletion of which there are no more stocks.

The deletion of a batch does not affect the batch where-used



Next inspection date

This characteristic refers to the next inspection date stored in the

batch master record. It is determined using the date of the last

goods receipt and the inspection interval stored in the material

master record.


Availability date

You use this characteristic, for instance, for batches whose contents

must first mature or be held, before they can be processed further

or sold.


Expiration date

Use this characteristic, if you work with the shelf life expiration date

(SLED)/expiration date.



If batch status management is activated, you can work with this

characteristic to use the status of a batch (restricted or unrestricted)

as a selection criterion.


You use the report RMMCCH01 to copy the standard characteristics to the current client. See

also Characteristic Value Assignment for Batches → Update standard characteristics in

Customizing for Batch Management.

Assigning Target Values to a Material - Example

In this example, the material is a semi-finished product assigned to the industry sector C

(chemicals) with material type HALB. It has the material number 350-105 and the base unit of

measure KG (kilogram).

You assign class type 022 or 023 (batch) to the material as well as the class you set up

previously, in this case PAINT_350. Once you have assigned your class, the system will display

the characteristics contained in this class.

You will now need to assign target values to the characteristics of your material.

Assigning Values to Numeric Characteristics

In the material master record, you assign the property PH_value an interval value of 1.0 - 13.0. If

you assign this property to the material, the pH_value can be any value within this range.

In order to enable batches with this property to have a PH_value from anywhere within the range

1.0 - 13.0, you must not restrict the range in the material master. This means that if you were to

assign the characteristic a value of 10.0 at material level, only the value 10.0 would be available

for selection when you come to assign specifications to the batch.

However, you might want batches of this material to have a PH_value within a restricted range of

6.0 - 11.0. You would then assign 6.0 - 11.0 to the product at material level, in which case you

could further restrict assignment at batch level and select definite values lying in this interval.

If you have entered an interval value for a numeric characteristic in the material master record,

you will be able to assign either

• The whole interval

• A restricted interval

• A certain value within this interval to the material.

Assigning Values to Alphanumeric Characteristics

You want to limit the delivery of the material to particular regions. You therefore need to define

the regions to which you want this material delivered by assigning the respective values to your

material class. In this way, the regions to which the material can be delivered are defined at

material level. When you assign characteristics to the batch, you can further restrict the values

assigned to the material, and specify the regions to which this particular batch may be delivered.

In this case, Available_for is a characteristic you want to assign to batches to specify that

certain batches can only be delivered to certain regions or countries. For example, a batch of a

material can only be delivered within Europe and North America. Once a batch has been

assigned this characteristic, you can restrict your batch determination procedure to select only

those batches that are available for Europe and North America.

Availability of a characteristic of data type CHAR (character). Depending on your requirements,

the batch might be usable for more than one region or country. In this case, you would set the

Multiple value indicator. Thus when you set up the specifications for the material or for the batch

itself, you can select both Europe and North America from a possible list of, for example,

Australia, Europe, Asia, North America.

By flagging the field Additional values, you can specify that values, that are not entered as

allowed values, can be assigned to a characteristic, when you classify the material. For example,

you might decide that a material is only suitable for delivery to certain parts of Europe. In this

case, you could then enter the individual countries to which delivery is acceptable, even though

they have not been specifically set up as values.

Hidden Characteristics

Hidden characteristics are characteristics that you have defined as hidden in the Interface control

screen. You can display them by choosing Hidden characteristics. Depending on how you have

defined these characteristics when you set them up, you may or may not be able to enter values

for them.

For example, you may have used existing inspection characteristics from QM in classification,

that you do not want the system to display when you assign values.

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