Foreign Trade Data in Purchasing Documents


Data that describes the import or arrival characteristics of a purchasing transaction.


Foreign trade data appears at the header and item levels in purchase orders and shipping

notifications. The vendor and material master records and purchasing info records propose this


Foreign Trade Data in Purchase Order and Advance Shipping Notification





Partner data


The vendor key

Delivery vendor

Country key

The vendor country key

The system copies this data

from the purchase order to

the shipping notification.

Customs data

Mode of transport

The technical customs term

describing the type of

transport (for example, see or

air transport) used to take the

goods across a national


Office of entry

The key for the border

customs office where the

goods are unloaded from the

mode of transport used for

crossing the border

The system determines this

data from the vendor master

and uses it as a default

value in the purchase order

and shipping notification.

Mode of transport


The inland mode of transport

(the mode of transport from

the border to the plant)

The identifier for the means of

transport with which the goods

leave the vendor location

The country of the means of

transport by which the goods

leave the vendor location

The mode of transport by

which the goods cross the


The identifier for the means of

transport by which the goods

cross the border

The country of the means of

transport by which the goods

cross the border

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