Foreign Trade Data Service Cockpit


This group of functions installs and maintains data pertaining to commodity codes, import code

numbers, duties and required customs papers in the Foreign Trade component. Using these

functions is optional.

To go to the Foreign Trade Data Service Cockpit from the main SAP menu, choose Logistics

Sales and distribution (or Materials management) Foreign Trade / Customs Data service

Cockpit - Data Service.


There are four sections on the initial screen for Foreign Trade Data Service:

Functions on the Initial Screen



Load / Compare

Loading and comparison of commodity codes and import code numbers

with existing codes in the system


Search and display of existing codes in the system

Price determination

Maintenance of pricing conditions

Import Simulation

Determination of duties and documentation for imports

On the initial screen, there is an additional area that you can fill with a picture or text. You can

include the standard picture or a text in this screen by choosing Environment Maintain user

data from the initial screen. The standard picture is SD_FT_SRV_START. You can create a

standard text for display in this section using transaction SO10.

Load / Compare

In the first section, you can load commodity codes and import code numbers from external files

available from the customs authorities (or other data providers) into your system. As codes

become obsolete, this function allows you to maintain codes in the system by comparing existing

codes with updated code numbers before saving the new data in the foreign trade tables.

See also:

Loading of Commodity Codes and Import Code Numbers

Comparison of Commodity Code Numbers


This section provides you with easy-to-use search functions to display existing commodity codes

and import code numbers already in the system when assessing tariffs. You can use selection

criteria, such as chapter numbers, special measures, text and so on, to search for these codes.

See also:

Displaying Commodity Codes and Import Code Numbers

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