Every item a country imports or exports must have a statistical value associated with it when it
passes through customs. The statistical value is the net domestic value (fair market value) of a
product when it crosses a border. (The fair market value is the price the product is normally sold
at in the manufacturer's domestic market.) This value is needed for each exported or imported
item for INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT declarations in the European Community (EC). It is used
as a basis for keeping track of foreign trade statistics.
The statistical value is printed on the appropriate customs documents such as the Single
Administrative Document (SAD) in the EC, the Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) in the
the export report in
The statistical value is a measure of the actual value of the goods imported or exported and does
not include the value added tax (VAT) or all of the transportation and insurance costs.
You are exporting goods to a customer in another EU member-state. The statistical
value of the goods is calculated by deducting transportation and insurance costs
from the time when the goods cross the border until when they reach the customer. If
the statistical value is 80% of the amount billed before VAT, this percentage includes
all transportation and insurance costs within your country until the goods reach the
border. The 20% difference represents the estimated transportation and insurance
costs from the border crossing point to the customer location.
The process is the same for the importer. The costs of transporting the goods as far
as the exporter‘s border are deducted before determining the statistical value.
This function automatically calculates statistical values based on condition records in Materials
Management (MM) for receipts and imports and Sales and Distribution (SD) for dispatches and
This function integrates with the calculation performed by MM’s and SD’s pricing functions. It also
provides data for import items in purchase orders and shipping notifications and for export items
in deliveries and billing documents.
R/3’s standard set-up calculates statistical values based on Incoterms. By applying standard
pricing tools, you can change the basis for the calculation and make manual changes to the
condition records.
For Statistical Values in SD
The condition type GRWR (shipped in the standard set-up) can be used or a copy must
be created in Customizing for SD. Choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Pricing → Maintain condition index.
Valid condition records for the relevant Incoterms clause must exist within the sales area
for the corresponding period of time.
For Statistical Values in MM
The condition type GRWR (shipped in the standard set-up) can be used or a copy must
be created in Customizing for MM. Choose Materials Management → Purchasing →
Conditions → Define Price Determination Process → Define condition types.
Valid condition records for the relevant Incoterms clause must exist within the purchasing
organization for the corresponding period of time.
You can maintain and create SD and MM condition records for statistical values from
the Foreign Trade Cockpit. See Foreign Trade Cockpit.
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